Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Let's Hear it for ASHOKA
The lastest org to catch my eye is devastatingly cool. The Arab World Regional Director is a stellar lady, Imam Bibars, who is keen to have a frank talk and help where she can in making synergies to get the NAP moving. We met in the restaurant of the Flamenco Hotel where we both had workshops going on.
Vision and Mission
VisionAshoka envisions a world where Everyone is a Changemaker: a world that responds quickly and effectively to social challenges, and where each individual has the freedom, confidence and societal support to address any social problem and drive change.
Ashoka strives to shape a global, entrepreneurial, competitive citizen sector: one that allows social entrepreneurs to thrive and enables the world’s citizens to think and act as changemakers.
To ensure that the leading ideas for social change are fully developed and sustained, we have designed an approach that offers critical interventions on three levels—the individual, the group, and the sector.
Supporting Social Entrepreneurs Social entrepreneurs are the engines of social change and role models for the citizen sector. Ashoka identifies and invests in leading social entrepreneurs and helps them achieve maximum social impact.
Promoting Group Entrepreneurship Groups and networks of social entrepreneurs working together accelerate and spread social impact. Ashoka engages communities of entrepreneurs and develops patterns of effective collaborations that change entire fields.
Building Infrastructure for the Sector A global network of changemakers requires tools and support systems to deliver sustainable social solutions. Ashoka creates needed infrastructure, such as access to social financing, bridges to business and academic sectors, and frameworks for partnerships that deliver social and financial value.
Vision and Mission
VisionAshoka envisions a world where Everyone is a Changemaker: a world that responds quickly and effectively to social challenges, and where each individual has the freedom, confidence and societal support to address any social problem and drive change.
Ashoka strives to shape a global, entrepreneurial, competitive citizen sector: one that allows social entrepreneurs to thrive and enables the world’s citizens to think and act as changemakers.
To ensure that the leading ideas for social change are fully developed and sustained, we have designed an approach that offers critical interventions on three levels—the individual, the group, and the sector.
Supporting Social Entrepreneurs Social entrepreneurs are the engines of social change and role models for the citizen sector. Ashoka identifies and invests in leading social entrepreneurs and helps them achieve maximum social impact.
Promoting Group Entrepreneurship Groups and networks of social entrepreneurs working together accelerate and spread social impact. Ashoka engages communities of entrepreneurs and develops patterns of effective collaborations that change entire fields.
Building Infrastructure for the Sector A global network of changemakers requires tools and support systems to deliver sustainable social solutions. Ashoka creates needed infrastructure, such as access to social financing, bridges to business and academic sectors, and frameworks for partnerships that deliver social and financial value.